
ThermoWear is a low-cost and efficient approach for customizing body-fitting smart orthoses. Integrating electronics with low-temperature thermoplastic materials, ThermoWear allows 2D circuit boards shaped directly onto the body, which can be reshaped to adapt to the growth and rehabilitation development of patients.



Orthoses, providing physical protection for rehabilitation, require doctors' regular reviews because the body shapes and medical requirements may change in different rehabilitation stages. Side effects (e.g., skin abrasion and pressure sores) would otherwise occur. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, however, the risk of contagion and the heavy burden on the medical system made it difficult for patients to get their healthcare in the hospital. To solve this problem, we design an easy-to-operate method for smart orthoses, by embedding stretchable circuits in adaptive material.



ThermoWear allows hand-on adjustment. The substrate material is rigid at room temperature and soft after heated, and thus users can mold or reshape the electronic board on human bodies directly. ThermoWear integrates electronics on Low-Temperature Thermoplastics with efficiency and reshaping flexibility. Metamaterial patterns are created and laser-cut based on the target customized elasticity for joint movement, target surface flattening simulation, and reshaping demand.

ThermoWear supports various applications. For dynamic finger extension splint, the orthosis will provide a reaction force when users bend fingers, thus avoiding joint stiffness and muscle atrophy. For the mask, it will light up if large facial muscle movements, which might have negative effects on maxillofacial injuries. For the pressure-sensing scoliosis orthosis, the pressure of different local areas will be visualized to track curative effect.

Awards & Publication


ThermoWear | James Dyson Award


Red Dot Design Award: ThermoWear

ThermoFit | Dezeen Awards 2022 | Longlist

ThermoFit: Thermoforming Smart Orthoses via Metamaterial Structures for Body-Fitting and Component-Adjusting: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies: Vol 7, No 1

Project Details


For the substrate material, low-temperature thermoplastic materials are used to enable the direct reshaping of an orthosis on the human body. For sensors and circuits, curly copper circuits contribute not only the ductility but also aesthetics. Besides, parametric metamaterial structure patterns are designed to enhance the conformity, adjustability, and elasticity of body movement. For the functional side, we support the flexible adjustment of the electronics on smart orthoses, such as pressure sensors and EMG, when they lose contact with the body or are in the incorrect position.





The development of ThermoWear combines human-centered design and scientific research. As part of this study, we conducted a literature review and consulted clinicians, orthotists, engineers, and patients to learn about their challenges. We then identified current pain points: low operation learning costs for clinicians, precise electronic placement, dynamic conformity to bodies, circuit stability, social acceptance, and wearer comfort. These drove the idea of ThermoFit: Providing clinicians with a custom-made thermoplastic plate with prefabricated circuits, which enables clinicians to fabricate smart orthoses with their existing tools at little learning and time cost. In material experiments, parametric cut patterns were explored for enhancing elasticity, adjusting internal displacements of electronics, and enhancing ductility. The software was developed with a flattening algorithm that created 2D sheets and calculated local stretchability from 3D shapes.


Future Plans

We are currently collaborating with clinicians and technicians in China, investigating how the ThermoWear can be commercialized and delivered to a larger user group. We will amplify the expertise of clinicians and technicians with a prescriptive library of smart orthoses based on previous common diagnoses for massive manufacturing. Furthermore, we envision and explore applications, from e-jewelry and fashion to human-robot integration.





